Please read this agreement carefully before installing or using this product.
If you agree to all of the terms of this End-User License Agreement, by checking the box or clicking the button to confirm your acceptance when you first install the web application, you are agreeing to all the terms of this agreement. Also, By downloading, installing, using, or copying this web application, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms of this End-User License Agreement, you are agreeing to all the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to all of these terms, do not check the box or click the button and/or do not use, copy or install the web application, and uninstall the web application from all your server that you own or control.
Note: With this script, We are using the unofficial Social Media API (Instagram) . That is a reason why this script depends on Social Media API(Instagram, etc). Therefore, We are not responsible if they made too many critical changes in their side. We also don't guarantee that the compatibility of the script with Social Media API will be forever. Although we always try to update the latest version of script as soon as possible. We don't provide any refund for all problems which are originated from Social Media API Instagram etc).
If you do not accept the terms of this agreement and you purchased a product containing the web application from an authorized retailer, you may be eligible to return the product for a refund, subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable return policy.